Goodbye Decatur
To make an end is to make a beginning.
The Decatur chapter of my sabbethical ends today. Three months gone in a blink.
I don't think I can adequately express what this time of unadulterated rest has meant to me. I know to most of the outside world it hasn't made sense. All they saw was a girl unemployed searching for her next job, and so were confused by her lack of frenzy to find one. Yes, I need a job, and as I fully trust in God's provision, I will have one in due time, but the past three months haven't been about that. The past three months have been about deep soul healing, and it was beautiful.
Now, with a few goodbye tears in my eyes, I begin a new chapter in my sabbethical. I head to Oklahoma today for a lot of hugs and conversations with friends for whom it's been too long.
Then, Denver I'm coming your way!