Home Sweet Home

Normally summer staff get two days off in the middle of the summer, after a couple days of NLR's Family Camp, this year, I asked (told :D) my boss if I could have off the entire week, and that's exactly what happened. This allowed me to go home for 5 days and 6 nights, which I hadn't done since Easter (and even then it was a very short trip of two days and three nights).

Two nights before I left for my homestead I began to feel a sore throat come on and by Saturday I was miserable with major sinus pressure and a tense neck. I went to the doctor on Monday and found I had a sinus infection. This was my first sinus infection to experience, and let's just say that I don't care to ever have another one.

Even though I was healing from a sinus infection for the week I was at home, I was still revitalized by the end of the week. I had a lot of time to sleep, watch movies, and frankly, be a vegetable, I got a couple of errands done that I hadn't found time to do at camp, and best of all I got to spend time with my family. My dad, brothers Matt and Nathan, and I went to a Cardinals' game on July 3rd (where we watched them get stomped). This occasion led to a mini family reunion, with my niece, nephew, two (of three) brothers, sister, and my brother and sister-in-law coming to Decatur, turning a trip to a ball game into a 4th of July/Nathan's birthday celebration.

I left Saturday for the long drive back to OK rested and ready for another four weeks. That's right, only four weeks left until camp is over for me. It's bittersweet and I am going to miss these people so much. I ask that you please pray for my focus and intentionality during these next four weeks. I had a lot of time to think about Denver and my coming transition while I was home, and while I'm not wishing away my summer yet, I can see how I could easily get to that point.

grace and peace.


Blair Family said…
Hey Miss Beth! The Blair family will be keeping up with you on your blog! We will really miss you around here:)

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