I Feel It In My Fingers. I Feel It In My Toes...

Christmas is all around me and so the feeling grows.

Reflections of my first Christmas spent away from family:

When I left Decatur days before Christmas, something felt a little off in the holiday season. I came back to my own kind of empty nest, since all of my close friends were home for the break. I went in to work Christmas Eve and there was a buzzing excitement I could feel from my coworkers and from the customers. I, on the other hand, didn't have this buzz fizzing inside me. Christmas just didn't feel like Christmas without my holiday traditions and my family beside me; dinner was different; church was different; the entire night was different. Now, I don't record these reflections in order to depress you or cause pity from you readers, instead I say this because I think this is the first Christmas that I realized why we take the time once a year to celebrate. 'Jesus is the reason.' Yes, but as committed followers of Christ we live that out everyday. So, why is it that this one day is different to all of us? It is the time when we ALL slow down TOGETHER to remember what we know and realize everyday.

I wish you all blessed time with family and friends.

Merry Christmas!

grace and peace.


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