I'm Melting...
So, it seems that increased length between posts (even when I have great stuff to write about) is a trend once school starts. I will get through the rest of the Europe trip (eventually :D)! For now I thought I would post some pictures of the "after" of a snow storm we had this past week. It snowed consistently for almost 48 hours beginning last Wednesday leaving Littleton with over 24 inches of snow and me with a day and a half of canceled classes. I think the last time I had school canceled due to snow was back in high school! It made for a very long weekend and a fun few days with friends.
Here are some pictures from around my apartment. They were taken Friday about 16 hours after it stopped snowing. The sun was already doing its work. It is now Monday and our 2 feet of snow is now down to measly remnants in shady places. I love Colorado!

Here are some pictures from around my apartment. They were taken Friday about 16 hours after it stopped snowing. The sun was already doing its work. It is now Monday and our 2 feet of snow is now down to measly remnants in shady places. I love Colorado!
Happy Fall!!!
grace and peace.
grace and peace.