NLR Summer 2010
They say pictures say a 1,000 words, but while these pictures may say that, they can't say enough to describe what this summer was like. However, I wanted to give you all a glimpse (for that is all they are) into my summer.
This summer I was the Day Camp Summer Activity Leader, which actually has a lot more to it than just Day Camp. There were four sessions this summer, each session split into two weeks. Every other Sunday my team (me, Ally, Daniel, and Lindsey/Thomas) would get a new Timothy Team. These campers are in the second year of NLR's leadership development program, and they would be the counselors for my day campers come the second week of their session. To start out their session we went on a two and a half day backpacking trip.
We hiked in the Buffalo River National Park. There are plenty of stories behind the hikes we did as they were all self-directed by the kids with us leaders simply as facilitators, but this is the vantage point of Big Bluff, which we hiked twice. My favorite spot!
This is what a facilitator looks like at the beginning of a hike when she is waiting and waiting on kids to figure out that they decide when we start. (The Survivor buff was my best friend during these trips - thanks Luke!)

After uphill hikes like in the picture before the kids would normally decide to take a break. At longer stopping points Luke (my boss) and I would perform Monty Python's The Search for the Holy Grail. Out of the two groups we did this for, one group loved it, the other just thought we were strange. It was definitely a highlight of my trips.

After we got back from the hike I turned into the Day Camp Nazi...not really, but for the next 3 days it was nothing but Day Camp training for these kiddos from 9-5. Then Monday morning would come and I could only hope that I had prepared them well enough. The little ones came Monday through Friday 8:30-5. With the help of my awesome, awesome, awesome Tim Team leaders I set up all the activities so that the Tim Team could play with their campers. We had tons of different activities for them during the day that they would do as a flock (their groups were all named after different birds), as well as swim time and big group games, which I would lead. It took a lot of planning, was during some very very hot days, but it was so much fun watching these first through fifth graders having a blast doing something other than sitting in front of a tv.
This is me doing my thing. Lindsey, one of my Tim Team Leaders, only wished she could be as cool as me. :)
We provided bandannas, but the kids could also bring things from home to tie dye during this activity class.
You can program well thought out, fun games, but for some reason there is nothing better than a good ol' game of tag your counselor.
At NLR we love our creek, and with Day Campers we get the awesome opportunity to teach them as they have fun doing our water study lab, where they would go explore Flint Creek and see all the different types of macro organisms that live in it.
On those super hot days, some reaching 110 with heat index, you couldn't keep them away from the water - and we didn't want to!
A great asset to our camp is our awesome ropes course. What kind of Day Camp SAL would I be if I denied these kids the chance to experience it?!
Aside from training the Tim Team and running Day Camp, it was also my job to take care of my team. Throughout the summer I tried to meet with each of them weekly to do a little soul care. This was an awesome time where God showed up to take care of each of their needs; I just enjoyed being a vessel for it. While I loved the other aspects of my job, this was by far my favorite part. I was putting into action what I had been learning at seminary these past two years, and it just felt so right.
(From left to right: Thomas-only session 4, Lindsey-we missed her session 4, me, Daniel, and Ally. The horse, unfortunately, was not on my team.)
It was another fabulous summer at the Ranch, I think probably the best thus far. Ministry was done, rest happened despite working, and I learned a lot, as usual. Now, after a couple of weeks in IL, I'm back home in Denver. School has started, as well as work at GAP, and I can already tell I'm in for quite a semester!
grace and peace.
This summer I was the Day Camp Summer Activity Leader, which actually has a lot more to it than just Day Camp. There were four sessions this summer, each session split into two weeks. Every other Sunday my team (me, Ally, Daniel, and Lindsey/Thomas) would get a new Timothy Team. These campers are in the second year of NLR's leadership development program, and they would be the counselors for my day campers come the second week of their session. To start out their session we went on a two and a half day backpacking trip.
We leaders were tough stuff!

After we got back from the hike I turned into the Day Camp Nazi...not really, but for the next 3 days it was nothing but Day Camp training for these kiddos from 9-5. Then Monday morning would come and I could only hope that I had prepared them well enough. The little ones came Monday through Friday 8:30-5. With the help of my awesome, awesome, awesome Tim Team leaders I set up all the activities so that the Tim Team could play with their campers. We had tons of different activities for them during the day that they would do as a flock (their groups were all named after different birds), as well as swim time and big group games, which I would lead. It took a lot of planning, was during some very very hot days, but it was so much fun watching these first through fifth graders having a blast doing something other than sitting in front of a tv.

Aside from training the Tim Team and running Day Camp, it was also my job to take care of my team. Throughout the summer I tried to meet with each of them weekly to do a little soul care. This was an awesome time where God showed up to take care of each of their needs; I just enjoyed being a vessel for it. While I loved the other aspects of my job, this was by far my favorite part. I was putting into action what I had been learning at seminary these past two years, and it just felt so right.
My Team!
I could not have asked for a better staff to work with then who I had. I laughed, cried, and learned so much with them.

It was another fabulous summer at the Ranch, I think probably the best thus far. Ministry was done, rest happened despite working, and I learned a lot, as usual. Now, after a couple of weeks in IL, I'm back home in Denver. School has started, as well as work at GAP, and I can already tell I'm in for quite a semester!
grace and peace.