I'm Back - Let the Stories Begin.

It's been almost a month since I left, but I am back. I got back to Colorado on Monday morning and it is SO good to be home. I go back to work on Thursday, so right now I'm just trying to sleep and get settled in again. There is so much to say about my trip so I'm going to do it in stages. Before I begin, I want to thank all of you who prayed for me and Christy. I could feel your prayers and they were definitely answered. We had a safe and very successful trip.

I came back exhausted and yet rejuvenated with hairy legs, some odd tan lines (including a great chaco tan!), 1,000 pictures, funny stories, and memories that I will never forget.

For the next two weeks I am working, sleeping, playing with my pictures, and doing some art. Then classes start back up, and for the first time in possibly my academic career I am ready for it to start. So many changes have happened in my life this past year and I have no idea what I will be doing after this program, but I am excited about what I am learning and know this year is going to be another life changing one.

Coming up: Frankfurt and Nurnburg.

grace and peace


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