Change Is Coming
Through waters uncharted my soul will embark.
I'll follow Your voice straight into the dark.
And if from the course you intend I depart,
speak to the sails of my wandering heart.
Captain, Hillsong United
A little over a year ago I was going about life as usual when I sensed God tell me a change was coming. Per usual, God kept the details fuzzy. And when I say fuzzy, I mean non-existent, as I heard nothing on what the change would be or when it would happen. All I knew was that change was coming.
The fall came and went and I started to ask myself if I had really heard God say a change was coming. After all, five months had passed and nothing had happened.
But that wasn't really true. A lot was happening. A lot of preparation was happening. That's the beauty of how God deals with us; we think that when things happen in our lives that seem to be Him tossing us into the deep end saying sink or swim that we were tossed in unprepared, but in reality God is preparing us every day for that next thing. We just don't see the preparation that's happening because we aren't looking for it.
Then in February things started to shift. Honestly, at the time I was in an emotionally raw place simply asking God
for relief when all of the sudden day after day I was being washed with
His words. Every Bible verse, book and devotional I read and every worship song and sermon I listened to spoke of God working in our lives in unexpected and illogical ways. It was an intensely beautiful experience. And suddenly, seemingly out of the blue, I realized I knew the change God was asking of me, and it wasn't anything I had ever imagined.
Sure, I pondered if the change coming would have to do with my job, but when I did my brain came up with ideas like another job offer or a new position within Cherry Hills that I'd feel led to take. It certainly never came up with telling my boss I was leaving without having zero idea what was next! But that was exactly what I felt like I was supposed to do.
It made no logical sense! Yet still, in the deepest recesses of my spirit it made perfect sense. Don't think I didn't wrestle with this! I did! But no matter how much fear, doubt, worry, anxiety and intimidation the enemy threw my way, every time I quieted myself before the Lord a peace that I won't ever be able to explain (Phil 4:7, it's real, folks!) would settle my heart and I'd feel confirmed in what I was supposed to do.
Aunt Sandy