The Simple Life

We know we are waiting well when we truly experience peace in God's pauses and plans. The peace is demonstrated in the resting of our thoughts and actions. Our real focus becomes deep and abiding relationship with the Person of our faith, rather than manipulating our circumstances to receive the object of our wait. - Wendy Pope

I have to say I'm starting to enjoy this sabbethical thing. At this point it's a string of seemingly never ending days off, and who doesn't want that! It took a while to get to a place where I could really enjoy this, but now that I'm here, I have to say it's pretty divine. Sure, my social circle consists of only my mom, dad, and dog, I have only one option if I want to get out in nature, I've had to deal with some residual work dreams, and every single day (minus today) has been WAY too humid for this Colorado-spoiled girl, but I spend half of pretty much every day in Scripture, journaling (I've already journaled more in the last 2 weeks than I did the 3 months prior), reading, and hanging out with God, I can nap if I want to and the only day I have a set time I have to be up is on Sunday (if you know me at all, that makes me very happy!). For this introvert, I don't mind the isolation, and I'm really enjoying the fact that I'm getting such concentrated time with my parents, plus I get all the cuddles I could ask for from this pup! 

Life is simple. And I'm loving it.

Don't get me wrong, I daily miss my friends, framily, church, mountains, and low humidity, and I still desire to land back in south Denver when I'm done, but living life so simply is exactly what my soul needed.

Side Note: We often have the bad habit of assuming things are perfect in someone's life when we see joy filled pictures and read happy reports, and then find ourselves envying someone else's situation. If you find that temptation creeping in right now, fight it! Living in the kind of peace I'm experiencing is not directly correlated to being on a sabbatical. Yes, this kind of break makes it easier because I have a lot of margin in my life, but while it's harder when we are living at a typical American, frantic pace this peace is available to us no matter what circumstances we find ourselves in, if only our real focus becomes deep and abiding relationship with the Person of our faith, rather than manipulating our circumstances to receive the object of our wait. Do not compare your current reality to mine or anyone else's, instead focus on Jesus and your relationship with Him and the peace that supersedes any circumstance will follow.


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